
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Elite athletes do not eat what most people eat. Medications (especially those for diabetes) are prescribed to work with either a person’s current diet or a nutrition prescribed by their doctor. Since the food plan described in Eat Rich and Grow Rich in Health and what elite athletes eat differs vastly from the common everyday diet and the ADA (American Diabetes Association Diet) the following warning and disclaimer is warranted. The Scepter Nutrition Plan can result in sudden (within hours) lowering of blood sugars (blood glucose); therefore, medications must be adjusted by your physician before you start. You need your doctor’s help to see that you adjust safely to the nutrition program. DISCLAIMER: This book is not intended to replace medical advice or be a substitute for a physician. If you are sick or suspect you are sick, see a physician. Consult your physician before you change anything about your drugs or diet. If you are taking a prescription medication, you should never change your medication, diet, or exercise program (for better or worse) without consulting your physician, because any dietary change will likely alter the actions and effects of prescription drugs. If you have experienced a bowel resection, have short bowel syndrome, or have had part of your digestive tract removed or altered during surgery, your physician will prescribe a special diet to compensate and adapt to your personal needs. For example, if you have had part or all of the intestine section called the colon or the colonic valve removed, your physician may prescribe a nutrition program very different from the Scepter Nutrition Plan—possibly a program with hourly feedings rich in complex carbs and low in fat. Be sure you follow your physician’s instructions regarding diet. Changing diet without adjusting prescription medication doses can result in serious and even life threatening situations. If you take any prescription medication (and ESPECIALLY IF FOR DIABETES) always consult your physician before making significant diet changes. Meet in person with your doctor and explain what you plan to change and ask him or her to adjust your prescription medications before you start. Ask your doctor how to monitor your progress so you can be safe. Dietary supplements are nutritional products and are not designed to treat disease or to substitute for a doctor’s care or for proven therapy. Although this book mentions food and dietary supplements, the Authors and Publisher expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects arising from the use of food or nutritional supplements in your diet, or for food / diet / medication / exercise changes made without appropriate medical supervision. For example, if you decide to lift weights to change your quality of life or to prevent osteoporosis, there is a preferred way to lift weights and a risky way. Your doctor may have you consult with a physical therapist to teach you the safe way based on your past injuries, your blood pressure, the status of your bones, and your age. Talk to your doctor before changing your diet or using nutrition supplements or changing your exercise program. Everyone, regardless of his or her original state of health, can benefit from improved nutrition. Prevention will always be the best medicine. However, prevention can only be undertaken by the individual under the care of his or her doctor, and that includes eating correctly. We have to eat, so we might as well eat wisely. If you are diabetic, meet with your physician before starting the Scepter Nutrition Program. The Scepter Nutrition may significantly lower blood sugar within 1 to 4 hours of starting the program. If you do not have your doctor lower your medication doses, your blood sugar could go too low and cause serious damage, even coma or brain damage. Remember, all diabetes medications are prescribed to go with a certain nutrition program. Your doctor needs to approve any plans you have to change your nutrition so he can adjust your drugs before you start. WARNING: If you take any prescription medication (and especially if you take medication for DIABETES) always consult with your physician before making diet or exercise changes. Nutrition and exercise are still documented in the mainstream medical literature to produce better outcomes compared to drug therapy for Type 2 Diabetes. This means nutrition and exercise are a viable alternative to drugs for those willing to make lifestyle changes, if your physician approves. However, medical advice from your physician is required before attempting to start the Scepter nutrition plan from Eat Rich and Grow Rich In Health described in the last chapter of this book. This is because drugs will need to be adjusted or in some select cases may be stopped prior to starting the nutrition plan to prevent dangerously low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia). Most other conditions commonly treated with medications that are associated with weight gain, such as depression and other psychological conditions, will require that medications be continued. If your physician approves, Scepter nutrition can be added to your treatment plan to improve overall health and potentially prevent excess weight gain. Other nutrition programs such as portion control (serving size control) have been formally studied and proven beneficial when psych drugs (the family of drugs associated with the most weight gain) need to be taken. Always seek advice from your physician before making any lifestyle change, including nutrition and exercise.  Do not stop any medication without medical advice from your doctor.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]